The chaos of freedom Sama el aggad 2023 In contemporary society, the concept of "being free" is a multifaceted phenomenon, driven into the fabric of political, social, and cultural dimensions. Freedom, at its core, is a complexity, of individual liberties, societal structures, and cultural values, and social hierarchy. we live in a constant agonizing battle for individual rights like free speech and fair treatment, a Civil War between people who want the same thing. Culture, with its traditions and norms, when weaponized becomes the root of the issue, But who says we can't challenge these norms? It's a constant push-and-pull, a tug-of-war between the way things were and the way we want them to be, because humans are stubborn and won’t settle for a middle ground, so they fight till there is no ground to stand on, because it’s all left to the hands of politicians. In the uproar about freedom, these news agencies like, BBC News and The New York Times, and various oth...