"Ideocracy" is a post apocalyptic/comedy film directed by Mike Judge. Released in 2006, it portrays a dystopian future where society's intelligence has plummeted with an average IQ of 4 due to a repeated pattern of poor natural selection. The story follows an average military guy who was chosen to be part of a science experiment that basically involves military personnels to be frozen as part of a military hibernation project, in order to preserve their best soldiers, for the strongest wars, However, the project is forgotten, and the protagonists wakes up 500 years later to discover a world where society has devolved into an intellectually challenged and absurd state.
While this movie is meant for comedic exaggeration and entertainment some elements of the film seem to be chillingly familiar, for example one of the earliest scenes when the protagonist wakes up in a strange man’s house as the strange man watches TV but with multiple channels and adds playing simultaneously with reminded me of background gameplay on videos, purposed to watch something WHILE you are watching something? this is because people have become constantly overstimulated, which resulted in a really short attention span, and the numbers of individuals with ADHD has doubled in recent years shown by a study stating “ It is estimated that 10.5 million American adults are living with ADHD. A study published in JAMA, reported that diagnosis of ADHD in adults is now four times that of children, and its prevalence more than doubled between 2007 and 2016, from”
Also another example is the rise of sex work taking over the world is a prevented manner, the movie poked fun at sex workers and the industry and portraying it as the soul of the economy, the reasons for sex work being huge in this era was because it was encouraged some centuries before because people had become too stupid to reproduce. Now in many cultures the rise of sex work and prostitution as a whole has become more normalized, maybe not due to the reason in the movie but still an interesting factor to consider.
Over all, "Ideocracy" humorously depicts a future where societal intelligence experiences severe retardation, emphasizing a warning about the potential consequences of our current trajectory. The film underscores the severity of overstimulation and short attention spans, acting as a satirical cautionary tale that encourages reflection on the choices we make today
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