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Holocaust Victims Live On Through Literature

 Holocaust Victims Live On Through Literature

-Sama Alaggad

The holocaust is a tragic event that happened around 80 years ago, there are little to no video tapes or photographs of this event no "solid evidence" that show the exact events of the holocaust, therefor there is no possible way that we are learning about the holocaust, some argue that the holocaust was in fact a story made up my Israel to gain pity (this theory is also extremally irrational considering that the Israeli Palestinian conflict and WW2 were 22 years apart and the invasion of palatine was a result of the Holocaust)  even if we do not have large amount of photographs/videos, does not mean that WW2 did not in fact happen nor does it mean the truth can be bent. 

in our current time we rely on video evidence to prove that something had in fact happened. With no video tapes of the holocaust witch have been recently considered "most reliable source of evidence" led a surprising amount of people to question whether the holocaust happened or not.

pieces of literature are mainly the source of evidence and information, more specifically pieces of literature written by victims. journals that belonged to victims that were found or the story's shared by survives like  Lydia Tischler that, a Jewish middle school teacher that was fortunate enough to survive shared her experience in a YouTube video in 2017, and the journal of Anne Frank that was also interpreted in a movie in 2014. there was also and interview I came across during my research, where a former Nazi and a holocaust survivor were sat down together and discussed the events of WW2. 

The idea I'm trying to get across is how the media makes everyone doubtful of everything, witch could be good or bad. some could probably argue that the evidence I just mentioned is Fales by  saying that it is possible that those people are pretending to be survivors and that they are just regular people that wanted attention.



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